2009年1月15日 星期四
Hyperacute T-wave
今天evening nephro round Dr.楊請大家上台畫出MI和hyperkalemia其個別hyperacute T-wave。你能描述差異在哪並畫出來嗎?
The earliest electrocardiographic finding of acute myocardial infarction is sometimes the hyperacute T wave, which can be distinguished from hyperkalemia by the broad base and slight asymmetry.
→高血鉀的hyperacute T wave是寬底而有微小的不對稱。
Peaked T waves —
Hyperacute or peaked T waves are usually the result of hyperkalemia. They are generally >10 mm in height as measured in the precordial leads, and >5 mm in height in the limb leads. The T wave is not only tall, but it is peaked and symmetric. This appearance is in contrast to the normal T wave which is asymmetric (the initial upstroke is slow while the end or downstroke is rapid).
In addition to hyperkalemia, hyperacute T waves may be seen in the early phases of an acute myocardial infarction or with myocardial ischemia, conditions which are associated with localized extracellular hyperkalemia. Tall T waves may also be seen in the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy, in which the amplitude of the QRS complex is increased, or may even be a normal variant; in these cases, the T waves are not peaked and still have an asymmetric morphology.
Hyperacute (peaked) T waves
Hyperacute T waves are >5 mm in the limb leads, and usually >10 mm in the precordial leads. They have a peaked, symmetric morphology.
→高血鉀的T wave又高又尖又對稱。
→AMI早期可能看到hyperactue T wave
(基本理論是 localized "extra"cellular hyperkalemia,
我是第一次看到說明AMI有hyperactive T wave的原因,似乎蠻合理的)
這時後的T waves的確是有高起來,但是並沒有到 peaked的程度,
而且T wave的形狀是不對稱的。
ABC of clinical electrocardiography
The earliest signs of acute myocardial infarction are subtle and include increased T wave amplitude over the affected area. T waves become more prominent, symmetrical, and pointed ("hyperacute"). Hyperacute T waves are most evident in the anterior chest leads and are more readily visible when an old electrocardiogram is available for comparison. These changes in T waves are usually present for only five to 30 minutes after the onset of the infarction and are followed by ST segment changes.
→AMI的hyperacute T wave經常是MI剛開始5到30分鐘的心電圖表現,
過了半小時後就會開始ST chamge。
Tall, peaked, symmetrical, broad base T waves
= Hyperkalemia T wave !!
peaked,ㄚ是有多尖呢?應該是可以刺傷手指頭吧 :)
Tall, asymmetrical, very broad baseT waves
= AMI hyperacuteT wave !!
不對稱的T波是緩升陡降,為什麼會緩升是因為常伴隨ST segment change,如果詢問有胸痛情形,接下來應該是馬上進行近乎反射的動作:MONA+call CV man+評估thrombolytic agent使用。
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