2009年1月15日 星期四

Foamy urine/bubbly urine 泡泡尿

隨著主治醫師查房時,主治醫師詢問病患:泡泡尿的情況有沒有改善呀?該病患為腎病症候群患者因嚴重水腫住院。不禁發愣了一下,我也經常會有尿中帶泡泡的情形呀,該不會有腎臟病吧?不是之前尿液檢查都正常嗎?不過話說回來,住院醫師都當兩三年了,這樣的"小"問題還不求甚解,似乎有點丟臉 :P

老樣子,Google it!


高雄榮民總醫院教研部醫學研究科主任 林興中醫師
正常人每天會排出30 毫克以下的白蛋白,只要不超過30 mg即不要緊,這些蛋白經細菌分解而產生氣體,導致氣泡的出現,時間愈久,產生的氣泡愈多,故早上醒來的第一泡尿氣泡較多。
三軍總醫院內科部腎臟主治醫師 林石化醫師


Foamy urine: What does it mean?

Foamy urine is likely nothing to worry about if it happens only occasionally and isn't getting progressively more noticeable. It may just mean that you urinated rapidly, maybe with more concentrated urine — such as due to mild dehydration. You could drink more water to see if it goes away.
However, persistently foamy urine can be a sign of protein in your urine (proteinuria), which requires further evaluation. Large amounts of protein in urine may indicate a serious kidney problem.
If you're concerned about foamy urine, consult your doctor. He or she may recommend a urine analysis, which can detect protein in urine. If protein is detected in your urine, your doctor likely will recommend additional tests to determine the cause.

Answer by Mayo Clinic urologist Erik Castle, M.D.


Asymptomatic foamy urine
+ negative protein test in urine routine
= Rapid or concentrated urine
= Don't worry!

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